
Home Forums What’s your geektitude? Introductions!

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      Hi all! Use this topic to post:

      Your current fandoms:
      Other fandoms that might not be as current:
      Fandoms that make you feel like a bad geek because you aren’t part of them:

      For Example:
      My current fandoms include (but are not limited to) The Walking Dead, Once Upon a Time, Arrow and The Flash, Teen Wolf, Warcraft, Hearthstone, Diablo III, Sims 4, The Marvel Movie/TV franchise Orphan Black and Sense8.

      Other fandoms that aren’t as current include Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Star Trek: TNG, Marvel Comics pre-2010, Harry Potter and classic cartoons from the 80s and early 90s.

      Fandoms that make me feel like a bad geek because I don’t know much about them but would like to are Doctor Who, Game of Thrones (I’m only about half-way through seasons 4), and any Anime.

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